2024 - 2025年本科 & 研究生目录
Combined Bachelor of Arts 或Bachelor of Science in Statistics 和Master of Science in Data Science 和 Analytics
大峡谷州立大学 combined degree programs (see: 博天堂官方.edu/gs/combined度-项目- 85.htm) offer students the opportunity to complete both an undergraduate 和 graduate degree in less time 和 at a lower cost. Qualified undergraduate statistics students may be admitted to the program 和 obtain the B.S. 或B.A. 在统计学和硕士学位.S. in data science 和 analytics (DSA) within an accelerated time frame.
学生 graduating with a combined degree in statistics 和 data science 和 analytics will
- 增强他们的B.S. 统计学学位;
- 具有很强的统计应用知识, 精通数学和统计理论, 高级计算技能, 和 the deep thinking 和 well-rounded education earned through the undergraduate degree from a liberal arts institution;
- learn advanced statistical 和 computational techniques offering the potential for an accelerated career trajectory; 和
- obtain valuable internship experience in the fourth year applying theory to practice.
- 总绩点3.25岁或以上
- 60 hours of academic credit have been completed or are in progress.
- STA 216一门300级的统计学课程 161年独联体 or 162年独联体 应该以B或更高的成绩完成吗.
- 两封推荐信.
- Academic transcripts (unofficial transcripts are allowable)
- 意向书
Admission decisions will be made by the data science 和 analytics admissions committee based on the student's previous academic success in statistics 和 CIS courses, as indicated by GPA 和 grades in courses relevant to data science (such as STA 216 和 161年独联体), 以及在研究生项目上的潜在成功, 如推荐信所示, 还有学生的意向书. Decisions will normally be communicated to students within four weeks of submitting a complete application to the combined degree program.
所有大学要求, 包括通识教育课程, must be completed before the final (graduate) year of the combined degree program. In the final undergraduate year, students will normally take 12 credits of graduate-level courses. 如果有课程被双重列出, students in the combined program must complete all assignments expected of graduate students 和 they will be evaluated in the same way as graduate students.
The school has identified the following courses that students may dual count toward the bachelor's 和M.S. 度. 最多12个学分可以双重计算. 学生 are strongly encouraged to work with the graduate program director in DSA 和 their statistics department advisor to ensure all undergraduate 和 graduate requirements are met.
请注意 161年独联体 和 500年独联体 (优先)或 162年独联体 和 163年独联体 should be taken as part of the undergraduate curriculum to be prepared for the graduate CIS courses.
Tuition levels for students will be determined by current university policy.
If a student decides at some point to pursue only the undergraduate portion of the combined degree, the school will still recognize the graduate courses taken in lieu of undergraduate courses. Credit from the undergraduate degree cannot be used toward a graduate degree at a later date.
This sample order of coursework assumes that students will complete the general education courses with the help of their advisor. The following course sequence also assumes a strong mathematics background for the entering student. 如果存在数学缺陷, completing the mathematics prerequisites should be the student's top priority. 这只是许多可能的课程序列之一. 学生 are strongly encouraged to work with the graduate program director in DSA 和 their advisor in statistics to ensure all undergraduate 和 graduate requirements are met, 和 to customize the combined program to their areas of interest.
This sample order of coursework assumes that students will complete the CS foundation 和 general education courses with the help of their advisor 和 apply for undergraduate admission at the end of the winter semester of their second year. The following course sequence also assumes a strong mathematics background for the entering student. 如果存在数学缺陷, completing the mathematics prerequisites should be the student's top priority.
Note: 这只是许多可能的课程序列之一. 学生 are strongly encouraged to work with the graduate program director in DSA to ensure all undergraduate 和 graduate requirements are met, 和 to customize the combined program to their areas of interest. The following sequence makes no attempt to minimize credits. 例如, the sequence assumes that all general education courses are distinct, 没有“双蘸”.
- 161年独联体 - Computing for Data Science Applications I (3 credits)
- MTH 201 -微积分I(4学分)
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- MTH 202 -微积分II(4学分)
- STA 312 -概率与统计(3学分)
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- MTH 204 -线性代数I(3学分)
- STA 216 -中级应用统计(3学分)
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- sta311 -调查抽样入门(3学分) OR STA 315 -实验设计(3学分)
- STA 321 -应用回归分析(3学分)
- 统计学选修课(300级)
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- 500年独联体 - Fundamentals of Software Practice (3 credits)
- STA 419 -统计项目(3学分)
- STA 430 -统计历史(1学分)
- STA 518 - Statistical Computing 和 Graphics with R (3 credits)
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- 635年独联体 - Knowledge Discovery 和 Data Mining (3 credits)
- STA 526 -多元数据分析(3学分)
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- 660年独联体 -数据工程(3学分)
- STA 412 -数理统计I(4学分)
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- 通识教育课程
- CIS 677 -高性能计算(3学分)
- PSM 650 - Ethics 和 Professionalism in Applied Science (3 credits)
- STA 631 -统计建模I(3学分)
- CIS 677 -高性能计算(3学分)
- PSM 662 - Seminar in Professional Science Practice (2 credits)
- STA 616 -统计编程(3学分)
计入B的本科学分.A./B.S. |
108 |
研究生学分计入B.A./B.S. 和M.S. |
12 |
研究生学分计入硕士学位.S. |
24 |
总学分 |
143 |